Did you know that choosing the wrong battery can shorten the lifespan of your favourite appliances?

Learn a few top tips about battery leakage.


When purchasing pricey household appliances and smart devices, many families will carefully consider comparisons before making their purchase decision. Unfortunately, they don’t always pay as much attention to the power source inside – perhaps assuming that any battery will be fine.

However, this little oversight may put your electrical products in danger, and can even make them inoperable. One prominent example would be the use of electronic door locks in many modern households, where even a small leakage could cause irreversible damage to the device.

How does battery leakage occur?

Ever wondered what causes a battery to leak? Can the impacted device continue to function? When a battery has been subjected to a low discharge for an extended period of time, or has been placed in equipment with low frequency of use, the internal chemical reaction results in an accumulation of gas. This causes electrolytes to leak from the outer surface of the battery and stain the surface of the appliance, which may penetrate into the appliance’s control panel, causing damage and possibly becoming unusable.

Is battery leakage toxic?

Many parents are understandably concerned about safety issues related to this kind of leakage, worrying it may pose a danger to their children. The leaked liquid is highly alkaline in nature, meaning it is corrosive and may cause burns or irritation if it comes into contact with skin. If this does happen, rinse with lots of water immediately to reduce the intensity of possible harm.

Choosing the right battery to prevent battery leakage

How can we choose batteries that prevent leakage on costly devices like electronic door locks, or devices handled by children?

For frequently used or high-drain smart home devices such as electronic door locks, wireless mouses and keyboards, blood pressure monitors, and so on, it is advisable to replace carbon-zinc batteries with alkaline cells that provide longer lasting power. Not only can alkaline batteries help power appliances rapidly, they can also help lock in the power for extended periods of time.

GP Ultra Alkaline Battery with G-TECH

Certain alkaline batteries feature patented leakage-proof technology. We recommend the use of GP’s new and improved Ultra+ alkaline battery. This battery introduces the new G-TECH, which helps push out double the power – up to 200%* – while greatly enhancing leakage prevention. The design of the patented nylon sealing ring prevents battery leakage and locks in power for longer periods of time. What’s more, the Ultra+ alkaline battery employs a second beading and durable corrosion-proof design for improved leak-proofing and anti-expansion, thereby ensuring safe usage.

Tips for using alkaline batteries in electronic devices

For electrical appliances that require consistent use of alkaline batteries, such as electronic door locks, consumers are advised to pay attention to “power running low” warnings, and to check and replace the batteries regularly (every 8 months to 1 year). Furthermore, for electrical appliances or smart devices that are not used frequently, it’s a good idea to take out the batteries after each use to prevent possible battery leakage due to continual over-discharge.

*up to 200% more power in high drain application vs IEC 60086-2 : 2021 MAD